Archive for June 29th, 2009


Gold today!

June 29, 2009

Two mornings in a row I have had a big fight over big bones of fish that are all over the places we walk by the sea. I was so angry my ears drummed because she did not come when I called to change for titbits as she usually does. I threw the leash at her but she just bounced away. I started home lika crazy without looking for her. Then I went inside and peeped through the windows. She came running and I didn’t open the door for a while and then ignored her for a time until I was  calm again. Next day, exactly the same!! I was prepared now so I tried once to call her and then went home with speed! She couldn’t come in for a longer period of time. Today she found a huge terrifying skeleton and she was 10 m in front of my, staring at me. I shouted LOSS and she let it go!!! I had good treats ( I guess she knew that) to give her. I never thought she would do a thing like that becuse it is such a reward for her to find, and then cheek me with running away!! But after what happened to Aila last summer I ‘m really scared of big fishbones. Otherwise she is not particularly good at any training for the moment. Hope it is the heat! I try to mix the rewards and she works much better when I play a lot before training.

Tomorrow at the puppycourse we will train a bit of “gossiping” and then try to teach them to bark on command. I am not going to do that because then I will have to press her a lot to bark, and I can do that later if I need it.